Freakish No8 looks genuinely unstoppable in South African club match
No one quite knows how far he ran from, but the Genadendal No8 took quite a run up before scoring a try against Hawston recently in a club match in South Africa. How do we know? Well he was not even on screen when the ball was tapped five metres out from the try line, then suddenly a reddish blur emerged with an 8 on their back.
It is no surprise that the Hawston defence did not make much of an effort to stop the player as he charged to the line and leapt in the air to score (legality is questionable).
It is hard to know what was better with the try- the signature Jonah Lomu tuft of hair the No8 was rocking or the commentary that went with the try. You don’t need to speak the commentators’ language to know what they were saying as they repeatedly screamed “Superman!”
Take a look at the try: