Mayor of Madrid goes viral with horror drop kick
Never trust a rugby ball. That’s some pretty handy advice for a seasoned international rugby player, so for someone that is perhaps not that familiar with rugby but is about to attempt a drop kick, it is crucial.
Unfortunately for the Mayor of Madrid José Luis Martínez-Almeida, who is maybe not familiar with the vagaries of a rugby ball, he did not take that into account when he recently attempted a drop kick. At the inauguration of the Campo de Rugby Las Leonas recently, the Mayor was surrounded by cameras as he lined up a kick. Maybe the photographers had faith in his kicking ability, but in a suit and smart leather shoes anything can happen, and it did.
Martínez-Almeida’s kick went all of about three metres and went no higher than a metre off the ground before it smashed into the face of a photographer. It has of course found its way onto social media already, take a look:
Lo ha vuelto a hacer @AlmeidaPP_
Y esta vez el balón no era redondo…
🏉🏉🏉#Rugby #Almeida pic.twitter.com/qHv0OnV6H7
— Rodrigo Contreras (@RContrerasFM) November 3, 2022