'Out of this world': Wallaby fullback manhandles 101kg flanker to save try
By Rugby Onslaught

‘Out of this world’: Wallaby fullback manhandles 101kg flanker to save try

The Highlanders might have snatched a late 85th minute winner against the Melbourne Rebels on Saturday in dramatic fashion courtesy of a Sam Gilbert penalty, but they could have made life much easier for themselves.

With the scores tied 17-17 ten minutes earlier at the Forsyth Barr Stadium, flanker James Lentjes was sliding over for the winner after being on the end of a break by fellow back row Billy Harmon. Or so everyone in the stadium thought. The 101kg forward received the ball from about ten metres out and had no one in front of him- most of the time that means a try is about to be scored.

However, Wallabies and Rebels fullback Andrew Kellaway had other ideas. The 27-year-old managed to chase down the flanker and bring him down, although it looked as though it was in vain as momentum still carried the player over the line and the try was awarded. It was only once slow motion replays of the try began that everyone realised what a tackle it actually was by Kellaway.

Whilst sliding over the line, the Wallaby was able to roll onto his back with Lentjes on top of him. This was all done while simultaneously holding onto the ball to prevent the flanker from grounding it. It was truly world class defence. Unfortunately for Kellaway his efforts did not amount to much as the Highlanders still won the match, but it makes for a good highlights reel.

Take a look at the tackle:

After the match, a disappointed Rebels head coach Kevin Foote questioned some refereeing decisions.

“I’m disappointed in some of those decisions,” Foote told AAP.

“We’re going to have to look hard at them but I think there’s a lack of consistency across the board.

“There was a lot of off-the-ball stuff as well and we’ve got the fourth official (Television Match Official) and some of it’s guessing and some of it’s not even accurate.”