Harlequins might have already scored the try of the season
By Rugby Onslaught

Harlequins might have already scored the try of the season

When Harlequins centre Lennox Anyanwu sprinted back to collect the ball on his own line against Newcastle Falcons on Saturday, it is unlikely he thought he would be scoring one of the tries of the season a try one phase later.

The 22-year-old was rushing back at Kingston Park to collect a grubber by Newcastle, and was swiftly tackled over his line by winger Adam Radwan. However, instead of grounding the ball and conceding a five metre scrum, he managed to get the ball away to fullback Tyrone Green, who then launched a counter attack. Green passed to wing Nick David on Quins’ line, who was able to weave his way all the way into Newcastle’s half before being tackled.

Quins then spread the ball wide, where Anyanwu received the ball again, this time kicking towards Newcastle’s line. In the space of a few seconds the roles had reversed completely, and the centre was now charging towards Newcastle’s line to pounce on a loose ball and give Quins a 28-17 lead in a match they eventually won 40-31. It may have been the very first match of the Gallagher Premiership season, but there is little doubt that this try will be up there with one of the tries of the season in nine months’ time.

Take a look:


Quins director of rugby Tabai Matson said after the game: “We were on the ropes at times, but we created enough opportunities in the game. It will be the 31 points that we’ve conceded today that we will be our focus on Monday. They (Newcastle) have punished us when we made errors today, so you have to give them credit for that.

“One of the things I love coaching this team is that they are just so positive. They want to go to a scrum or to go for a lineout to score a try instead of taking the easier option. It’s one of those things that in the game, Newcastle were getting on top of us, but we did well to hit back and adapt to the opposition and the referee.

“The most pleasing thing about today is that we’ve taken five points in the first round, so it’s a stunning start and we are very happy to be getting on that plane home.”